Hydration 101 - Cocolectro

Happy Summer, Familia! 


Isn't it Wild that we are mid-way through 2022 already? And wow, what a year it has been so far! With so many blessings and abundance all around! And this summer season will be one for the books!


So as the days get hotter and the sun becomes brighter, we felt it would be good to write about the power and importance of water and choosing the best hydration solutions. So without further ado, Hydration Station 101! Let's go! 


Did you know that the type of water you drink matters? Most people don’t usually think about the kind of water they are about to drink before they grab those plastic bottles of water from the shelve before heading to the cashier.


Or when people set up water filters at home, they may not even fully understand which filters are best and which ones are not. Water is life, yet most of us constantly drink any water available out of pure convenience. But what if we knew the truth? What if we all knew that most water available is toxic and harmful to human health? 


The truth is, we really shouldn’t rely on bottled plastic water. This kind of water is usually stripped of the essential minerals the body requires to thrive. This water is then poured into toxic bottles; it is shelved in warehouses for 6-12 months, in the heat, before it makes its grand appearance on the shelves of your local supermarkets.


During that time, the water leeches microplastics and other toxic chemicals harmful to human health. And then we drink that contaminated water which at this point is acidic. Have you ever PH strip-tested bottled water? It’s fascinating! Give it a try sometime… 


Another type of water people usually drink is tap water. Unless you live remotely in a pristine area in nature, this is honestly not the ideal water to be drinking either. The reality of our modern tap water is it is contaminated with toxic chemicals, hormones, antibiotics, prescription medications, and even lead and other heavy metals from the old rusty aged pipes.


All of these elements are very harmful to human health. Yet, most people don’t even realize it and continue to drink it unknowingly. The toxicity and contamination of your top water will depend and vary from place to place. You can research your local water source to learn the truth about your water. Here is an excellent resource if you want to learn more. 




There are a few reasonable solutions to make sure you are getting adequately hydrated each day. One is drinking distilled water (not from plastic bottles). You can make distilled water at home with a water distillation machine. Distilled water is pure water and leeches inorganic minerals out of the body and decalcifies the body to aid in improved health. 


Another simple solution is to eat lots and lots and lots of organic fruits as they contain H3O2 which is pure cellular hydration. And lastly, an incredible solution we have recently discovered that we are obsessed with is freeze-dried coconut water! 


Natural coconut water, freeze-dried, on-site in the tropics, and shipped out right away in biodegradable packaging! This product is truly amazing and unique! So amazing that we have partnered with Cocolectro, the brains behind this genius idea, to bring this water to you all! Coconut water is powerful! It is packed full of electrolytes and essential minerals that support our highest health!

Coconut water comes from nature and is natural and organic! Coconut water is the most refreshing and delicious! Who doesn’t love it? And if you’ve never tried it fresh from the coconut, now you can! Anytime! Anywhere! Just mix into water and enjoy! Sustainable, convenient, and so so healthy!  You can visit our website and snag some packets for your next picnic, hike, beach day, or family adventure!


We hope you all enjoyed the 411! Water is life! Water and how we are destroying it as a human species is a fascinating topic. And one we can all learn more about. Luckily there are great solutions out there, and we can choose which ones work best for us. We hope everyone has a great rest of the summer! Have fun, work, and play hard, and don’t forget to stay hydrated!


Stay Blessed,

Sacred Wood Essence 


Written by; 

Kylie Ann Love


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